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After receiving verifiable information in the wake of Pope Benedict XVI’s passing, I made the decision to revise several of my publications in light of the fact that Francis was not duly chosen as Peter’s successor. As a result, I have started an effective resistance and am more committed than ever to helping my Catholic brothers by doing everything I can to uphold Truth and Mercy. It is not a matter of opposing Francis; rather, it is a matter of continuing the Church in the manner in which the Popes from Saint John XXIII to Benedict XVI have committed it to us. It is time to accept this tribulation, which God has allowed in order to rid the Church of all that is contrary to it. We must continue to testify to the Truth in all spheres of human and divine action without holding any judgment on specific people. focusing only on the Common Good for all, without giving a thought to what is actually happening in the Vatican. Jesus told Jacqueline Beaumont of Dozulé at the Glorious Cross that “the laity will give faith back to the world,” but each in his own area, and that time is now.

The first steps of the purification, foretold in the Holy Scriptures from the beginning, are currently being undergone by the Catholic Church, all established churches, and the entire human race. The events are supernatural in nature, but political actions and wars account for a significant portion of them. God establishes his justice through sin. All men are invited to salvation, to turn their eyes to Christ Jesus on the Cross, and all will play their part in this period of justice and mercy, according to the Second Vatican Council, which teaches us that the Holy Spirit acts in all religions and spheres of human activity.

The question of the Church’s level of involvement and obligation in light of the severity of divine justice arises.

The solution involves pastoral care and dogma: animation and Mary Co-Redemptrix, but also a return to a liturgy more respectful of the sacred in order to make her influence and the power of her intercession clear to God’s people. A priest rejoices and leaves after that!

I felt it was important to evaluate the difficulty his hierarchy is facing rather than the Church, which is steadfast and holy because it was established by Christ Jesus and is, thus, rooted in the Most Holy Trinity.

It’s likely that some people will find the urge to examine and criticize what’s happening in the Church alarming, but the faithful need to have access to some light in order to comprehend the reasons of this natural and spiritual catastrophe. Speaking the truth helps to free and educate consciences in light of the decisions they will have to make. The critical spirit is not antithetical to charity.

Hierarchy crisis

Jesus Christ founded the Church. Consecrated and non-consecrated laity, as well as an ordained hierarchy, make up its membership. The sacraments, sacramentals, liturgy, and its teaching all convey its sanctifying effects.

Beyond its boundaries, it is responsible for both intra- and extra-muros matters. Its intercessory power affects all of creation, including humanity.

It is holy because it was created in the Most Holy Trinity, and the martyrs, apologists for the faith, and champions of charity and truth who make up the Mystical Body of Christ Jesus continually renew its holiness.

The Church[1] is not in crisis, but the members of her consecrated hierarchy and numerous laypeople who openly violate the teaching of the Gospel are afflicting her living, militant body with sickness. Denying the eternal efficacy of Christ Jesus’ Atonement, they desire to subordinate it to the rules of the world.

The People of God experience suffering as a result of its corrupted members, including a crisis of identity, morals, and faith as well as a decline in the credibility of its consecrated individuals. Their alluring, subtle apostasy is starting to be heard. The human race is enslaved by their affinity to darkness, and creation expresses its suffering. The Church appears to be absorbed in the revolutionary wheel’s centrifugal force. The chaplaincies, the associations, the permanent diaconate, and the self-styled “barons of the parvis”[2] are all engaged in their last straight line that the Holy Spirit is marking, reaching the intersection of Justice, a fatal trajectory for a significant number of people. One of the two plates in the balance is heavily weighed down by the tears of the devoted People.

What are the causes?

This is due to a variety of factors. The first of these is the desire to thwart God’s plan for the elevation and assuming of the human race. This is Lucifer and his angel-demons’ unchanging will. They must neutralize and eliminate the Church because they can only succeed by gaining supporters among men.

Should we not question ourselves how we got here and what methods we used to get there?

It would be unfair to attribute this problem to the Second Vatican Council. Nonetheless, it makes sense that the rebellious and apostate spirits would take advantage of the situation to further the crisis of modernity and its more perilous offshoots[3]. They have intensified the corruption and catastrophe that Bernanos, Popes Leo XIII, Pius X, Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, and John Paul II, as well as Benedict XVI, had accurately predicted. It was their cross. They had experienced and known white martyrdom. To find and comprehend the type and scope of the evil that was brewing, it was necessary to lift the rug[4].

The Enlightenment and the Encyclopedists will emphasize the negative repercussions. The Renaissance will be the strong soil of the current predicament. Ideologies, relativism, a lack of courage on the part of those in charge when it comes to free speech, and a refusal to challenge the transgressive wills of priests and bishops who frequently call on marginal staff from the perspective of sacramental discipline when they do not call upon unbelievers as long as they are communists, P.S.U., and freemasons will continue to dominate post-conciliar pastorals. Do not we currently have employed school leaders who are proud of their immorality?

The hardening of their hearts in the name of an instrumentalized heritage characterized by a lack of hope and a Maurassian image of the ecclesiastical institution that is found among progressives is a major responsibility for many fundamentalist currents. Yet, because they are trapped in the stance of the accuser, the Saint-Just of the agreement, of conservatism, the ultras take part in this misery without taking responsibility for it. While their support would have helped Pope Benedict XVI maintain his authority, turning down his hand was what would have been deadly for them. They have made a peacock’s wheel out of this chance.

The bishops hesitate to declare their allegiance to Jesus. Jacobins, they are. They show no reaction to the gospel’s assimilation by the powerful minds of a society that yearns to return to idolatry and the causes of its dehumanization:

The Church is dying because pastors are afraid to speak with frankness and truth. We are afraid of the media, of public opinion, of our colleagues! But the good shepherd gives his life for his sheep […] In a short time I will be called into the presence of the eternal Judge. If I do not pass on the truth I have received, what will I say to him? We bishops should tremble at the thought of our guilty silences, our complicit silences, our condescending silences with the world” Cardinal Robert Sarah.

The apostate hierarchy is to blame for the fact that the people of God have lost the intelligence of salvation, the understanding of personal sin and its effects on society, and most importantly, they accept and cling to all types of transgression. The hierarchy has gotten out of hand to the point that it compromises with the princes of this world so much that it begins to question whether it doesn’t sleep in the same bed, the bed of the lodges.

The autocratic and virtually defining actions of the Vicar General, François[5], demonstrate the hypertrophied Roman centralism that the few devoted consecrated members experience. It undermines the bishop’s independence to the point where he loses sight of the fact that he is the rightful heir to the Apostles and not merely a curia’s pawn. The Gregorian reform, the Council of Trent’s fixism, and a sort of dichotomy at the core of the Holy See are all to blame for this calamity. Peter is the first servant; he is not the head of the Church, its heart, or its nexus; he is the top of the hierarchy; his function is to serve the leper; and his authority cannot and does not extend beyond assuring his brethren in the faith. He’s not a monarch. He can’t rule via dictatorship. Strangely, the Curia clings to a method of wielding power that sterilizes, dries out, and ridicules the Church even as it strives to democratize it—the synod of synodality.

If the pastoral mission and evangelization have implications for politics in the highest sense, the hierarchy cannot hold political opinions or be partisan. Nonetheless, it has a duty to declare Jesus to those in authority and to condemn, from a moral standpoint, the deeds they commit. The Church and its hierarchy cannot harbor any ideologies or philosophies that do not sacrificially serve the Truth.

Peaks of sacrileges, violations, and aberrations in the liturgy have been attained. Cardinal Sarah attempted to repair them, but the curia and Francis forbade him. It is a transgression will, and the perplexity is the Result of it, made worse by the transgressive[6] way people receive the sacraments and the more-than-random interpretations of the Bible.

The mystery of the Church’s maternal fecundity and its royal, prophetic mission are no longer understandable to the hierarchy. More severe than it was during St. Francis of Assisi’s day, this catastrophe is unparalleled and has an impact on all peoples, even those from non-Christian cultures. It encourages the metaphysical collapse and heart protection. Divine Justice can no longer be avoided; by making Pope Benedict XVI renounce, the way has been unambiguously made for it. Studying his renunciation speech and his canon law-based engagement with the priests of Rome is all that is necessary to comprehend this.

The over-mediatization of judicial proceedings, Francis’ purposefully upsetting remarks, and the church’s interference in matters outside of its purview are all attacks on its legitimacy and alienate the lowly. They exaggerated their sense of guilt, disregarded people’s right to free speech, and even went so far as to claim that those who declined the anti-Covid19 immunization lacked compassion. And as of right now, US courts have sided with people who declined vaccinations and those who are dying in great numbers. This proves, if proof were required, that Cardinal Bergolio’s elevation to the Peter’s See was illegitimate. A Peter-style successor stays out of the world’s way and opposes populist dictators and pro-abortion activists.

He will have caused more conflicts inside the body of Christ than acts of unity as an ordinary bishop sitting on Peter’s throne. Without considering the internal unity of the Catholic Church, what use does it serve to seek unity among the churches? By virtue of its “choice,” which Jesus Christ approved, the Holy Spirit has the chance to strip the faithful of all earthly hope and convert them to active supernatural hope.

Our consciences are freed by the work done on Pope Benedict XVI’s repudiation of the imposture, which calls attention to it, and it justifies our full participation in the Church’s internal resistance, which is made up of Christ’s followers. He will have committed all unlawful deeds during the Petrine succession. Nobody has to succumb to them.

Francis is being used by Divine Providence in a similar way that King Nebuchadnezzar II was, more for his flaws than his strengths, to eliminate an apostate hierarchy and a sclerotic government that is no longer serving the Gospel.

In any event, Jesus the Good Shepherd divides his flock from the wolves through Francis. Christ serves as a model for us in this regard because He accepted the cross on which He gave His life, just as we must pray for our enemies. Let us pray for him and love him supernaturally. Daily evidence of the impurity and apostasy of the hierarchy is provided by the words of the Virgin Mary at La Salette. Lodges, ideologies, paedo-criminal networks, gay currents, and sacrifice networks rule it. So many of its members are so inured to the perversion of the world that they are unable to recognize the threats to their salvation. Others no longer conceal their collusion with the political, financial[7], and Jacobin power for France.

Being resistant in the Church?

What ought we to do? Pray and make amends.

Without sacrificing compassion, one might engage in resistance inside the Church.

We shouldn’t be afraid of breaking apart since a unity based on deceit and wrongdoing is not a true unity. “It is better to obey God than mankind,” says St. Peter as an illustration. We laypeople are the Church in every way that the hierarchy can be, with the exception that we lack sacramental authority.

Soon, we shall be denied access to the sacraments, which will be both a sorrow and an occasion for our glory.

—What do we have to do with an ecological hierarchy?

—Who collaborates with a notoriously anti-Christian power?

—Which no longer proclaims Jesus Christ as the true and only Savior.

—Who legitimizes evil in the name of a good (the anti-covid vaccine19)

—Who whispers rather than cries out for injustice, to denounce the transgression of unnatural laws: abortion, genetic manipulation, euthanasia?

—Who humiliates the members of the Church about past acts for which they have no responsibility?

—Which is pro-globalist, Masonic, apostate.

—Transgressive in the way it grants the sacraments and sells at auction the Mercy it hangs on the gallows that the four winds dry up.

—What do we have to do with this hierarchy?

The sufferings of the Mystical Body

My confessor forewarned me around forty years ago that one of the difficult tribulations the Catholic will face in the apocalyptic period would originate from the See of Peter. I never thought I’d have to go through that.

According to the assurances that Jesus delivered to Louise Piccarreta, the third cycle of the past two thousand years is coming to an end. It is not unusual for Francis, one of the tools in our sanctification, to hold the See of Peter. But it is important to mention the attitude and accountability of Popes St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI regarding the third universal transgression contained in the French Law of Bioethics in order to better understand the factors that could have caused Jesus to permit Cardinal Bergolio to accede to the See of Peter. I’ll just sum everything up here[8].

The duties of the universal apostolic administrator were taken up by Cardinal Bergolio. He is the root of many problems, hardships, and conflicts. How can we not love and pray for him even if he causes us so much suffering if we are required to love and pray for our enemies? The acceptance of this trial, which announces others, is the way that we demonstrate our fidelity to Him. Jesus is the root of so many misunderstandings that we would be devastated if Mary did not intervene to save us:

- He acknowledges that abortion is evil, but he disagrees with the US bishops who excommunicated Biden because he supports abortion. On the grounds that their choice is political, he consents to being received into communion with the Body and Blood of Jesus. This comment is annoying and goes against doctrine and sacramental discipline.

- He recognizes a female delegate who worked to promote abortion in the EU.

- He congratulates the Italian in charge of abortion advocacy.

- He damages and humiliates everyone who struggles to defend life at both its inception and its conclusion.

- He permits divorcees who have remarried to access the sacraments, lessening their accountability and conscience freedom while others are steadfastness heroes. This is the relativism toward sin that he criticizes elsewhere!

These few examples reveal a practical heresy that Jesus denounced: “Do what they say, but don’t do what they do.”

- He excommunicates a priest for his sexual assaults even though his national hierarchy found him guilty. However, he removes the excommunication and names the priest as the Vatican’s advisor for cultural issues.

- How can we understand such decisions?

- At what point is he a bishop of the Catholic Church?

The followers of Christ had already begun an internal exodus in response to heterodox pastoral and liturgical attitudes and practices, but now that Benedict XVI has resigned and Cardinal Bergolio has assumed the papacy, this exodus is intensifying, despite the assurance of Jesus’ words that “the powers of hell will not prevail against it.”

The hierarchy is no longer a source of support for Christ’s followers, who now have little choice except to engage in rebellion. Too many of its members are priests with deteriorating morals who are members of Masonic lodges.

Corruptness and those who corrupt souls are not places where innocence may be found. Isn’t this a summary of what the Virgin Mary said at La Salette?

(more to come: MEMORY: a Promethean challenge)

__________________________________ [1] The sacraments that Christ Jesus established, and which are passed down through a structured hierarchy, including bishops, priests, and deacons, form the foundation of the Church. The holy Church, emotionless and continuously fed by the wound of Jesus' wounded Heart, is this enigmatic stone. As a result of her activism on the earth of sinful men, her human body and mankind suffer. [2] The faithful who cling to an idea of the Church that is instrumentalized based on their ideological or conventional preferences are the guardians of a pre-square where, in the end, even the most basic acts of charity are prohibited, along with those who might pose a threat to the order they want to uphold in the service of their materialistic or even ideological interests. These barons are a true affront to pastoral work and the Church. [3] Cf. Benedict XVI, Cardinal Sarah, etc. [4] Expression used by Pope Saint John XXIII when he was apostolic nuncio in Paris. [5] the false departure of Benedict XVI Philippe Levillain Member of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques If Benedict XVI announced his renunciation of the Sacred College and the world on February 11, 2013, the end of his pontificate did not come until February 28, after a symbolic helicopter flight over the Urbs and his installation at Castel Gandolfo. The calendar was set by the Pontiff himself. And during these seventeen days, Benedict XVI will have had every opportunity to reverse his decision, which only he could make and only he had made. It was the skill of Cardinal Sodano, dean of the Sacred College and former Secretary of State under John Paul II, who was ruthlessly replaced by Cardinal Bertone during the reign of his successor, to have locked Benedict XVI into this decision. On the evening of February 11, in the name of all his confreres, he thanked and congratulated the Supreme Pontiff for this courageous decision, which he deplored. But above all, he addressed his message to the "Pope Emeritus", Benedict XVI, a title invented from scratch, and which placed him on the bench. Canonically, Benedict XVI should have become an honorary bishop of Rome on February 28, like all bishops who retire at age 75, with papal approval, as is the case with Cardinal Sarah since February 20. This sort of "vestibule" used by Benedict XVI to prepare for his departure was in some ways the opposite of the "room of tears" in the Sistine Chapel, where popes, just elected, order both the emotion of the accepted office and the fitting of the famous white cassock. Benedict XVI continued to govern and to act. On February 14, he announced that the Prefect of the Papal Household, Archbishop Gänswein, his private secretary, would continue to carry out his principal function, while accompanying him to Castel Gandolfo. On February 21, he confirmed that the report of the investigation by Cardinals Herranz, Tomko and Di Giorgi on Vatileaks and vice would not be published. It would simply be handed over to his successor. But above all, on February 25, he recalled that the upcoming election stipulated a two-thirds majority. He thus reversed the provision of the Constitution Pastor Bonus, published by John Paul II, which allowed for a simple majority after several days of negative votes. And in the event that the conclave was prolonged, and the election was based on two names, in addition to the impossibility for the two eligible to vote, the two-thirds majority was maintained. Finally, on February 16, the Pope renewed the composition of the Cardinal Commission of the IOR (the Vatican bank) for five years. He thus imposed a framework for reform of Vatican finances on his successor. Cardinal Bertone remained president. On February 26, Father Lombardi, head of the Press Office, informed journalists that Benedict XVI would be "pope emeritus", called "His Holiness Benedict XVI", retaining the white cassock, without the mantelleto (small, short coat over the cassock). This surprising title was cleverly commented on by Benedict XVI on February 27, the day before his departure. He emphasized that the renunciation did not imply a return to private life and that he was not taking possession of a previous life. And the key phrase of his position, explaining his continued stay in Rome, was uttered: "I no longer carry the power of the office for the government of the Church. But in the service of prayer, I remain, so to speak, in the Court of St. Peter." Clearly, Pope Benedict XVI was erasing any confusion between the denial of St. Peter and the renunciation. The Pope, in his relinquished office, remained Vicar of Christ in an institution where Peter occupies the fundamental position: "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church." The continuation of this canonical and ecclesiological understanding of Peter's power was illustrated by the publication of the encyclical Lumen fidei on July 5, 2013. This first text of a pope, expected as usual in the year of his election, written initially by Benedict XVI, was taken up and completed by Pope Francis. A twin encyclical, so to speak. No one could have imagined that Pope Francis' predecessor would remain as the close witness of the latter's pontificate and that beyond their unquestionable harmony, conflicts could arise, even when reduced to the right proportion of the incident. This was the case, however, in January 2020, when a two-voice book was published, presumed to be in concert between the Pope Emeritus and Cardinal Sarah, reaffirming the necessary celibacy of priests, after the Synod on Amazon in October 2019, which opened up broad avenues of reflection. The Pope Emeritus sometimes even reminds Pope Francis of orthodoxy and the long tradition of the Church. The entire history of the pontificate of the latter will be marked by this. This is another story. That of a hindrance by a silent, vigilant and respectful presence. It was spectacular, during the canonization of Paul VI on October 14, 2018, to hear long, hearty applause erupt as the pope emeritus arrived on the square of St. Peter's. As a kind of measure of the difference with his successor, very tired that day. If Pope Francis himself intends to renounce, he can, but he must not. The Court of Peter cannot become the Court of a brotherhood. And even less a caravanserai. Philippe Levillain Last book published on Benedict XVI: La Papauté foudroyée. La face cachée d'une renonciation, Tallandier, 2015 [6] Only the Vulgate Bible and in French the translation of the abbot J. B. Glaire is the canonical reference for the whole Church [7] The bishops in France obtained a broadening of the tax base in exchange for keeping quiet about the abuse of the Covid 19 vaccination. [8] In its initial draft, the French Bioethics Law permitted human reproductive cloning. The lawmaker and those who sought it have been maturing this transgressive will over a very long period of time. Popes Saint John Paul II and Benedict XVI failed in their duty by solemnly refusing to denounce this bill and the law itself, whose core allowed for human reproductive cloning, for a variety of complicated reasons that also reveal the extent of corruption of all kinds and in many astonishing directions within the hierarchy. As a result, Ezekiel's prediction regarding the Temple in Jerusalem has come true, and their silence is compared to Peter's three denials on the night of Jesus' arrest. These Popes chose to remain silent on a matter of such importance, and as a result, the entire weight of this global transgression will now fall on the shoulders of both the entire Church and all of humanity, as opposed to the decision-makers alone, had they spoken out and vehemently condemned this Law. The two Popes, JP II and Benedict XVI, as well as the college of bishops in charge of the entire world, have all denied it. This supernatural event, according to Anne Catherine Emmerich, had already happened immediately before Adam and Eve freely exposed themselves to temptation and surrendered, but it occurred sometime after Francis' stolen election. Jesus took something away from the power or the episcopal state. This new circumstance, for the Christian era, announces a universal purification in all natural and religious human acts and would confirm that many of our political, religious, etc. leaders find themselves in roles like those of King Nebuchadnezzar more because of their sin than because of their merit. To demonstrate his justice and mercy, God uses the affidavits of evil, the angel-devils. This is unquestionably the case with Cardinal Georges Marie Bergolio, as no successor to Peter has ever been so polarizing, so demeaning to Christ's followers, and so cruel to Catholics in Europe.

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